Stunning Dance Company

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Stunning Dance Company
Come join our award winning dance company! We have scored overall high point awards and more! We are a hard working and motivated group that believes in team work, goals, and take technique seriously. Stunning Dance company is always looking to find and bring out the strengths in each dancer. Will you be next? Stunning Dance Studio, Finding the star in you!
Competition Dates for 2024-2025 TBD
March 30th-April 1st
Utah Valley Convention Center
220 W Center Street
Provo, UT
May 19th-30th
Capitol Theater, SLC
Capitol Theatre
50 W 200 S
Salt Lake City, UT
Starstruck Dance Competition
Dates TBD
Egyptian Theater
Ogden, UT
Price Estimate:
(Lets you compete by level of dancer).
September 17th, 2022
Mountain America Expo Center
9575 South State Street
Sandy, UT 84070
Celebrity Dance Competition
May 4-6th, 2022
Olympus High Theatre
4055 South 2300 East
Holladay, Utah 84124
April 14th-15th, 2023 or April 28th-29th
Location TBD
Performance Team commitment:
This is a non-competitive dance team. This is great for those who love to perform, but aren't old enough to compete or do other extracurricular activities and don't have time to commit to competition. This is also great for those who are just dancing for fun. You must attend all mandatory rehearsals and shows. May be local outdoor performances, parades, nursing homes, charity or benefit concerts, and recitals. They must attend at least 2 shows not including recitals, any additional shows are optional, but recommended for performance experience.
It is of the utmost importance that each dancer and parent read and understand the competition team requirements PRIOR to making a decision to participate on a competition team. Any dancer, age 5 and up, is eligible to audition in for competition teams. Younger students are able to participate with specific invitation from the studio owner or competition instructor. Every interested student will be required to audition in order place them on the correct team and/or determine if they are ready to be a competitive dancer. Dance teams will be divided based on technique, age, ability, attitude, maturity, motivation, commitment, and strength. Please note that neither age nor friendships will be the main determinant of placement. We will be looking for ballet and other dance techniques, knowledge of dance terminology, flexibility, musicality, performance quality, and properly executed leaps, jumps, and turns, or applicable techniques. ****Students will be separated into teams bases on their age group and team level.
Hip Hop Only Dance Team and Ballet Team commitment: 2-3 competitions, recitals, convention is optional, performance team shows are optional, but recommended to get more performance experience.
Placement could be:
Mini Hollywood Stars Team commitment: Performance team shows , +1 competition a year with your age group, 1 convention.
Placement could be:
Junior Shooting Stars Team commitment: Performance team shows +1 -2 competitions a year with your age group, 1 convention.
Rising Star Team commitment: Performance team shows +2 competition a year with your age group., 1 convention. Performance team shows are optional, but recommended to help give more performance experience.
Placement could be:
Pro Stars Competition Team: 3 competitions, 2 conventions (can do more than 1 if they want to), +performance team shows, and recital.
Placement could be:
Adult Company commitment: 1 competition, recitals, optional conventions, other shows to be announced.
Audition Date: Monday July 22, 2024
Time: 6-8pm
*Fill out registration form by clicking on the yellow box above and we will send you the agreement form via email.
For Ages 5 & Under
Student Must Be Recommended by Instructor & Approved by Owner
Must take at least 1 summer intensive or camp to audition.
Instructor has final say at the end of the summer for approval into the group for the year.
For Ages 7 & Up
Student must take summer intensive classes and audition for placement into our competitive groups. This is because we often start competition choreography in the summer with our guests and summer teachers. It is important to get ahead practicing competition dances so you are prepared by first competition.
All dancers must turn in their audition agreement signed by July 22 at the competition audition or you can email it that day if you are doing a virtual audition.
Students and families have until Thursday, September 5th, 2024, to notify the studio that they will NOT be competing. Failure to notify of withdraw from the competition team by September 5th, 2024, will create a binding contract.
All dancers are required to be in studio dress code for auditions. Being out of dress code will be noted on your audition negatively.
The previous year’s attendance and the work ethic demonstrated in front of the judges will also be taken into account.
What to Expect
• Arrive at 5:30 PM to warm up & register/receive your number.
Competition Team Placement
• The ruling of the judges is final.
While studying in our Company Classes will provide a much higher level of dance training as well as the opportunity to perform at competitions and get feedback from other professionals in the industry on their craft, here’s what makes Stunning Dance Studio different. Our goals are to provide them with a place to call “second home” where they develop life long relationships with both piers and mentors, and to work closely with our Company kids to help them become strong, appropriately independent, responsible people in society no matter where life takes them. Here are just a few of the things you’ll see develop in your dancer.
You’ll never have a closer friend than those you make in dance class. There’s something about going through the experiences of getting praises and criticisms together as well as changing in tight spaces, climbing on top of each other in choreography, lifting one another, and hanging out for long rehearsals that has been proven in studies to bond kids tighter than other activities.
Problem Solving Skills
Dancers know how to think on their feet. It could be a costume piece falling off, a prop falling down on stage, or just plain forgetting the steps. They have to know how to cope on the spot with so many different situations. These skills push forward into any career they choose in the future.
We spend a great amount of time stressing the importance of the team. We have good days and bad days as a team. It takes the whole team to do well or not so well. We spend time bonding as a team from our 6 year olds mixing with our 17 year olds. We are 1 Company that works together.
The Ability To Accept Criticism As Well As Praise
We always praise the kids for a job well done. But nothing gets better if they don’t know to fix it. Our dancers learn to accept criticism as a good thing that leads to improvements and makes them stronger in the end. A great life skill to have in any given career choice.
The Value of Hard Work and Dedication
Everything takes practice. Nothing is just handed to anyone in life. Dancers learn this in Company classes when it takes practice, rehearsals, and give 100% all the time to get where they wanna go. They’ll find they want to push themselves to get that next jump or trick which will translate to a great work ethic in everything they do.
Responsibility & Discipline
Our Company classes have rules and more structure than our recreational classes. This helps the kids grow faster in their craft. They learn to discipline themselves to these rules and think nothing of it in no time. Along with that, we will give them responsibilities at appropriate ages that alleviate them from parents. Dancers will be responsible to be dressed correctly, have their shoes, and even begin to prepare for a performance without mom or dad’s help as they get older.
Counseling And Mentoring
Our job doesn’t stop at, “point your toes!” Many times, we dance instructors find ourselves taking on the roll of “bar tender for teens”. They love to talk to us about things. And that is what we are there for in the end. It is not unusual to take 5 to address a school problem or a boyfriend issue, or just to have a group hug because someone had a bad day.
Competitions take place spring/summer. Every other year, we participate in a national competition that is mandatory as well. Competitions are mandatory – no exceptions.
If a student is unable to perform at a competition, due to severe injury/serious illness, there will be NO refunds offered for their competition entry fees per competition company rules.
Competition Fees
First competition is usually in March.
Due approximately 5 weeks prior to competition.
Fees go directly to the competition organization
Fees are approximately $50/dancer in each group; $120/soloist; $60/duet or trio member.
Annual Studio Competition Fee
$100 due in September yearly
Covers prop purchase/builds, extra rehearsals, paying instructors on comp weekends, prop trailer rentals, guest teachers, choreography, etc.
Mini Hollywood Stars Team: (ages 5-6) 2 hrs a week​​
Dancers will compete either Jazz, Ballet, or Tap depending on the strengths of the group which will be the instructors decision. They will compete 1-2 dances. They will take 1 ballet class a week, 1 half hour of Jazz/ Tap technique and 1 half hour of choreography with their team where they will learn and practice their competition dances. Additional classes can be added for a discounted price, but not included in the plan.
Junior Shooting Stars Team: (ages 9-12) 3.5 hrs a week​​
Dancers will compete either Jazz, Ballet, or Tap depending on the strengths of the group which will be the instructors decision. They will compete 1-2 dances. They will take 1 ballet class a week, 1 half hour of Jazz/ Tap technique and 1 half hour of choreography with their team where they will learn and practice their competition dances.
Class Requirements for Rising Star Team : (ages 6+) 5 hrs a week
Rising star team must take Ballet once a week, Tap, Hip Hop, and Company Class (Jazz Technique/Conditioning), choreography class for their team. Competitive subjects are Jazz/Lyrical, Contemporary, and Hip Hop. (Tap is required to improve your child's musicality, which is part of their competition score, but they don't have to compete a tap number. Additional classes can be added for a discounted price, but not included in the Rising Star plan.
Class Requirements for Pro Team: 6+hrs (ages 7+)
In addition to the dancer’s competitive subjects (jazz, modern/contemporary, lyrical, hip hop) all Company Dancers are required to take a ballet class twice a week, tap, Company class, and Conditioning (PBT)Class. Acro, pointe, pre-point, extra lyrical class, extra ballet classes are not mandatory, but included in the tuition.
Class Requirements for Hip Hop Only Team or Ballet Team: 2.5hrs a week (ages 7+)
Dancers who compete in hip hop ONLY are required to take the Conditioning/Company Performance Class during the year which is a 1hr class, Hip Hop class, and a half hour team class where they learn choreography for the competition.
Dancers who compete in ballet ONLY are required to take thee Conditioning/Technique/ Company Performance class during the year which is a 1 hour class, 1 ballet technique class, and a ballet team choreography class.
Class Requirements for Adult Team:
Adult Team members must take ballet at least once a week during the year adult classes. In order to be considered for intermediate you must dance more than 3 hours and Pro levels you must be dancing 5hrs or more a week. Novice is 2 hours a week. Genre of dance or dances being competed with be decided upon as a group after auditioning and determining strengths. We will meet once a week for company rehearsals for 1hr., but may be longer around shows or competitions. You will audition the same combos as the Juniors and Seniors in Jazz and Contemporary.
Additional OPTIONAL BUT RECOMMENDED Performances
Charity Events
Dancers should take advantage of every opportunity they can – especially when there is little or no financial commitment involved.
Required to do 1 per year for Rising Star and Pro- Competition Team
Many are free or inexpensive and better than most high cost events.
Opportunity to learn something new from different instructors.
Attendance To Class and Competition
6 excused absences per class are allowed throughout the year – including technique classes. All unexcused absences must be made up in another class and doesn't have to be in the same genre of the class they misses.
Dancers may be excluded from sections of the dance if they miss during choreography sessions too frequently.
Surpassing 6 absences will mean removal from the class.
We do not excuse surpassing 6 absences for conflicting long term school activities, however, we are happy to work with your schedule temporarily and supply alternate technique classes to allow multiple activities when possible. Choreography classes do not have this option.
Excused absences include SEVERE & CONTAGIOUS ILLNESS (stay home with the flu or COVID!), significant and tragic family events ( funerals, graduations, etc.), finals week (only if needed), single night school events that have a grade riding on attendance, etc.
In order for an absence to be excused, A PARENT MUST CALL IT IN.
Dancers may be choreographed out of certain sections of a dance due to absence. This is not a punishment for missing but rather out of necessity to continue forward progress.
SKIPPING CLASS while in the building is forbidden. Students hiding out to miss certain classes while attending others during the night will be immediately benched from 1 competition performance for the year.
Competition attendance is ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY.
Excused absences would include ONLY THE FOLLOWING: religious belief prohibits attendance (this does not mean you choose to go to church instead, but your religion prohibits activities on Sundays), major life events that were planned for since the beginning of the year so we have an understudy ready – graduation, Bat mitzvah, First Communions, etc.
ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NO: school trips, school plays, vacations, birthday parties, etc. on competition weekend that you intend to miss for.
It is mandatory for students to be in all classes the week before competition. If a student misses the last class before a competition, he/she will NOT be allowed to compete and the entry fees will be forfeited. Illness with a fever will be excused by parental phone call ONLY.
Being Late to Class, Recitals, Rehearsals, Or Competition
Be On Time
Don’t be late
Of course we understand during bad weather or the rare traffic back ups that occur.
Missing 1/2 the class or more is considered an absence.
THE THREE STRIKE POLICY: Competitions run ahead of schedule, and it is incredibly stressful on all students, parents, and instructors when a dancer is late for competition. If you are late for competition 3 times, you will be removed from the team. This is cumulative, not yearly.
Observing Dress Code
Students are expected to set the example for our recreational dancers.
Black leotard, shorts or Jazz pants, fitted leggings, pink/skin tone tights pending class. Very fitted tanks allowed or crops for Contemporary/Jazz.
We do allow special Stunning Dance Studio comp wear as an alternative for all classes except ballet.
Dancers should always have proper shoes for the right class.
Ballet Class Dress Code is strictly Pink Tights/Black Leotard/Ballet Shoes.
NO hooded sweatshirts ALLOWED.
Competitive dancers are expected to be an example for all other students to follow by setting the standard for them to follow. If students break dress code, the parents will be notified so they can help us keep everyone in proper attire.
Classroom & Event Behavior
Attend class ready to work.
Socialize before and after class only.
Always be respectful to their instructors. Instructors will alert the parents if any issues persist that aren’t manageable in class.
Dancers should always be kind to one another as well as other dance teams at competitions.
Dancers should follow their competition etiquette rules handed out at all times.
Stunning Dance Studio has a zero tolerance policy for any bullying or mean girl activity on the team.
Comp dancers should be positive representatives of our studio at all times whether in our building or in public venues. Our staff will correct any dancer that fails to do so at all times. Parents are expected to support this.
-Working together as a team
-Gossip is forbidden
-Displaying good sportsmanship at all times to everyone
-Keeping positive attitudes regardless of awards
-Showing team spirit by wearing Stunning Dance Studio apparel at awards.
-ALWAYS respecting Stunning Dance Studio staff and other adults in charge.
If any problem persists, the student will be removed from our competitive program.
Maintaining Competitive Dancer Status And The “Everyone Gets A Trophy Syndrome”
Society today has done a disservice to the younger generations by taking away differentiation and declaring that everyone is always a winner; that everyone is equally special. In life, we know that this is not true. Someone is always more qualified for the job. Not everyone can be an NBA Allstar or a Pop Superstar. The same is true in any art, including dance. We do not operate under, nor do we promote the “everyone gets a trophy” standard. This does not mean that a group cannot have dancers with different strengths in it. We frequently have groups with some who are better at jumping, others who are more flexible, and some who are better turners amongst the class. And they all blend together beautifully. But it also means the every group member must work hard to maintain their spot in the group. And if they don’t, they could lose it.
If, at any time during the year, an instructor feels that a student is not keeping up with the rest of the class (whether it be falling behind in technique, failing to practice choreography, attendance, or behavioral issues), they have the authority to remove said student from that class. All students and parents will be notified ahead of time if the dancer is not working up to par and given a fair amount of time to change their habits assuming this is the student’s desire. Sometimes students just change their mind – especially at a young age. And we want them to enjoy what they’re doing. If that means doing dance at the recreational level again, we want to move them there so they still love dance.
Parents Responsibilities
Competitive dance requires a positive atmosphere from all involved. Cooperation between parents is expected at all times. Please show respect for our teaching staff, the other parents, and all of our dancers, as well as, our competitors. A positive and enthusiastic outlook extends to your child. Negative comments and feedback can be harmful to the progress and education of our students, and will not be tolerated
Parents must support all competitive dancers and make sure their kids support each other. We do not condone unhealthy rivalry between our own dancers or jealousy amongst our parents.
All competitive parents must volunteer for 1 recital at the end of the year. They are also expected to sit and enjoy the other recital each year.
Competitive parents are also expected to set an example for other parents just as competitive dancers set the example for other dancers. This means stepping up and volunteering other times we need help throughout the year if you’re available, being our spoke’s person if other parents are being negative about something, or simply following studio policy.
For our younger dancers, parents should encourage and remind dancers to practice at home regularly and extra whenever necessary.
Parents must learn to trust us as the dance professionals with ALL things dance just as you trust your doctor with all things medicinal. Please do not offer dance corrections to your child or anyone else’s child. Let the instructors handle that and be the cheerleader we need you to be for our dancers.
Parents agree to put in the extra time when needed by driving their students to and from extra practices, performances, and activities.
Parents must keep their accounts up to date with auto pay information.
Parents are NEVER to contact a competition directly unless Miss Alicia has given specific instructions to do so. All necessary communication happens studio owner to competition.
Be kind and say positive things to ALL DANCERS FROM ALL STUDIOS at competition. It makes a huge difference to any kid.
Please clean up after yourselves and teach your children to do the same both in our studio and at events. It shows great disrespect to throw trash around and leave it there. We don’t want to be “that studio”.
*No “DANCE MOMS” allowed. Constant complaining or negativity towards the studio or its' instructors will get your child removed from the program.
If what you’re about to say isn’t nice, don’t say anything at all. We don’t build up our own kid by tearing someone else’s down
If there is a misunderstanding and feelings are hurt between your student and an instructor, go immediately to that instructor to talk it out. DO NOT discuss with other parents.
It is not acceptable to gossip about others in or out of the studio. Miss Alicia has super ninja skills and is usually right there listening without being noticed. She’ll find out. Don’t do it.
It’s never okay to post negative comments about our studio, our dancers, or other studio’s dancers on Social Media.